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watch的將來時是: will watchI will watch dragon boat races.


They are watching landry drive toby .他們在觀看蘭德里指導託比排練。

What time is it by your watch , mr. li ?李先生,現在你的表幾點了

I stood watching him play ducks and drakes .我站著看他打水漂遊戲

The young ball player will bear watching .那個年輕的球員大有前途。

My watch broke down, please set it right .我的表壞了,請修理一下。

They are watching for further developments .他們等待著進一步的發展。

A vast crowd turned out to watch the match .大群的觀眾到場觀看比賽。

People lined the streets to watchmarathon .人們夾道觀看馬拉松賽跑。

They were standing by and watching the fight .他們站在一旁看打架。

She sat idly by and watch the child fall .她眼看著孩子跌倒了而不管。

一般將來時,I will watch sth,現在進行時,I am watching sth,過去時, I watched sth

標籤:Watch 將來