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up to down常用哪種時態

up to down常用哪種時態

up down

1、 用作副詞,down 的基本義為“向下”或“在下面”up 的基本義為“向上”或“在上面”。如:

He jumped up and caught the ball. 他跳起來接住了球。

He looked the girl up and down. 他上下打量著這個姑娘。

He sat down but she stood up. 他坐下,但她卻站了起來


up 的本義是 向上升,to a higher position

(1) 具象意義:向更高的位置

up and down 上上下下 | The pop singer jumped on the stage up and down. 那位流行歌手上下跳在舞臺

We walked slowly up the hill. 我們慢慢地爬上山

Tim had climbed up a tree to get a better view. 蒂姆爬到了樹上,以便看得更清楚

Put up your hand if you know the answer. 如果知道答案就舉手

look up the river 望向河的上游 | come up the road 來到這條路上

pick up 撿起,習得某項技能 | She picked her jacket up off the floor. 她從地板上撿起外套

go up 上升 | Production is going up in leaps and bounds. 產量飛速增長

(2) 抽象意義:提高

move up the social ladder 提高社會地位

talk somebody up 把某人捧上天 | But I am ready to talk you up. 不過我已經準備好要捧你了



由“向上升”引申為“停留在上面” in a higher position

(1) 具象意義:在上面

I don't think you're up here. 我認為你不會在上面

My suitcase is up there. 我的行李箱在那上面

(2) 抽象意義:責任的歸屬

It's up to you. 你說了算

He is up to running the business. 他有能力運營這個企業

Everything is up in the air at the moment. 一切都懸而未決呢



store up 儲存 | I shouldn't be storing anything up in here. 我不該在這裡儲存任何東西

pile up 堆積 | the work has piled up a bit. 工作有點兒積壓了

save up 攢錢 | we're saving up for a house. 我們在存錢買房呢

add up 合計 | Let’s just add up these figures quickly. 我們快把這些數字加起來吧


由“向上升”引申為“直立” to be upright

(1) 身體層面:站立、直立

stay up 熬夜(與躺下睡覺對比) | I often have to stay up late. 我經常不得不熬夜

get up 起床(與躺下睡覺對比) | It was an effort to get up. 起床是件費勁的事

(2) 精神層面:表示狀態的“昂然挺立”

cheer up 振作 | The news cheered him up. 這訊息使他振作起來

keep up 保持狀態 | Keep it up, keep up the good work. 保持,繼續好好工作。



(1) 具象意義:出現

turn up 突然出現 | He turned up within our view. 他突然出現在我們的視野中

show up 出現 | After ten minutes, he showed up as promised. 10 分鐘後,他如期出現了

set up 建立 | They detached their trailer and set up camp. 他們卸下拖車, 架起帳篷

(2) 抽象意義:在腦海中出現

come up 想出 | A good idea suddenly came up in my mind. 我突然想到一個好主意

think up 想出 | We have to think up an excuse. 我們必須找個藉口

dream up 夢到 | They dreamed up a variety of horrifying scenarios. 他們夢想到一系列恐怖的場景

5、更加 more、更強

由“向上升”引申為 more,“效果更好、水平更高”,讓動作的效果更顯著 a higher level

look up 看 -> 查詢 | You can look it up in the book over there. 你可以在那邊的那本書裡查到

cut up 切 -> 切碎 | The mushroom is dried and cut up. 蘑菇被晒乾並切碎

eat up 吃 -> 吃光 | Come on, eat up. 來吧,吃乾淨了

listen up 聽 -> 聽好 | everybody listen up! 各位請注意!

dry up 幹 -> 乾涸 | The watering hole is dried up. 水源乾涸了

give up 給 -> 放棄 | He gave up possession of the house. 他放棄了這房子的所有權



down 的本義是 向下降,to a lower position

down 的這種用法非常普遍,幾乎任何表示空間動作的動詞都可以與 down 搭配,表示下降


Water flow down the mountain. 水沿山往低處流

We are going down a mountain. 我們正在下山

Tears were streaming down my face. 我淚流滿面

sailing down the river. 向下遊航行

40 feet down the rock face. 在巖面下方 40 英尺


write down 寫下 | Alice wrote down the address. 艾麗絲寫下了地址

take down 記下 | The reporters took down the speech in shorthand. 記者們迅速記下講話內容

copy down 抄下 | You had to copy it down yourself by hand. 你必須親手把它抄下來

get down 吞下 | Come on, get the pill down. 來,把藥片吞下去

swallow down 吞下|She swallowed down the food and began to speak.她吞下食物後開始說話

drink down 喝下 | I handed him the glass, and he drank it down. 我遞給他一杯水他一飲而盡

wolf down 狼吞虎嚥 | He wolfed (down) a good meal. 他狼吞虎嚥地吃了一頓美餐

go down 下去 | I went down to put the kettle on. 我下去把水燒上

lay down 躺下 | He lay down and was asleep immediately. 他躺下, 很快地睡著了

cast down 拋下 | They cast down their weapons at last. 最後他們終於放下了武器



由“向下降”引申為“停留在下面” in a lower position

We heard the sound of laughter down below. 我們聽到下面有笑聲

The bathroom is down those stairs. 浴室在那段樓梯下面

My house is half way down the hill. 我的房子在半山腰


由”,如 退縮情緒穩定、戰爭平息、暴風雨減弱

die down 平息 | The laughter died down. 笑聲漸漸消失了

back down 退縮 | Never back down 永不退縮

take down one's pride 壓制某人傲氣 | Old age can take down somebody's pride. 歲月不饒人

settle down 平息 | after a few months the controversy settled down. 數月後爭端平息了

cut down 削減 | The first item on the agenda was how to cut down the cost in manufacture. 第一項議程是如何減少生產費用

force down 被迫降低 | They say workers force down wages. 他們稱工人迫使薪資下降

bring down 主動降低 | I'm sure an antifebrile injection will bring your fever down in no time. 我相信注射一針退熱劑會使你的熱度立刻降下來

change down 降檔 | change down into second as you approach the corner. 拐彎前降到二檔

slow down 減速 | Sales have slowed down quite markedly. 銷售明顯放緩

get down 情緒低落 | Don't let this get you down. 不要讓這件事壞了你的心情


最上方降到最下方,理解為“完完全全、徹徹底底”,或者 摧毀、結束、毀滅、失敗、敲定

beat down 擊敗 | He was beaten down by his opponent. 他被他的對手擊敗了

tear down 拆毀 | Tear that building down. 拆毀那幢大樓

break down 拋錨 | The car broke down halfway to the camp. 車子在去營地的半路上拋錨了

nail down 敲定 | Finally, the astronomical unit was nailed down. 這個天文單位終於被確定下來

wipe down 擦乾淨 | Wipe down the microwave 擦乾淨微波爐

bring down 擊落 | They brought down two enemy planes at one blow. 他們一舉擊落兩架敵機

turn down 拒絕 | We politely turned down the invitation. 我們有禮貌地拒絕了邀請



It’s down to me to make sure that everyone is happy. 每個人愉快是我的責任

Any mistakes are entirely down to us. 任何錯誤都完全怪我們(甩鍋)

Chris’s success is all down to him. 克里斯的成功完全是他自己努力的結果


down the drain 浪費,消失 | One season of apples down the drain 一季蘋果就這樣付諸東流

down the line 完全 | The technical answers may be possible down the line. 技術性解答完全是可能的

down the street 沿街道 | The kid booted a small stone down the street. 那小孩沿馬路踢石子

up to now 意思是到現在為止,故用現在完成時。 up to now 英[p tu: nau] 美[p tu na] adv. 至今 迄今 到目前為止 [例句]This is an attempt to put fle...
