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字跡/汙漬:ERASE可用於能用橡皮或黑板擦之類乾的東西擦拭掉的動作,如黑板或紙張上。譬如: erase the writings on the board erase the wrong answers on the sheet. 單詞WIPE可以用於黑板,也用於用溼布等清潔一個東西的動作,如牆,車,或黑板上。譬如:Can you wipe the dirt off the car? Could you please wipe the writings off the board? (注意:wipe off為固定搭配

記憶:兩個詞都可以用來形容洗腦樣的動作。譬如:John's memory was completely wiped out. Linda was completely erased from John's mind.

消滅(殺人):在這個方面,用ERASE來造句比WIPE委婉一點,WIPE很激動,直接。譬如:The Japanese was erased from the face of the earth. VS. The Japanese was wiped off the world map. 日本被消滅了。

Resentment towards the Japanese was erased from history. VS. Resentment towards the Japanese was wiped clean from history

She carefully erased the fingerprints from the paint.她小心地把油漆上的指印擦掉。

He erased the useless files in his computer.他把自己電腦裡無用的檔案刪除了。

I decided to erase all my memories of him.我決定忘卻對他的所有記憶。

A virus erased my hard disk.病毒把我硬碟中的資訊給刪了

They are desperate to erase the memory of that last defeat.他們急於抹去上次失敗的記憶。

標籤:搭配 erase